
ActiTouch: Robust Touch Detection for On-Skin AR|VR Interfaces

ActiTouch: Robust Touch Detection for On-Skin AR|VR Interfaces UIST'19: ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology
Session: 3D and VR Input

ActiTouch: Robust Touch Detection for On-Skin AR/VR Interfaces
Yang Zhang, Wolf Kienzle, Yanjun Ma, Shiu Ng, Hrvoje Benko, Chris Harrison

Contemporary AR/VR systems use in-air gestures or handheld controllers for interactivity. This overlooks the skin as a convenient surface for tactile, touch-driven interactions, which are generally more accurate and comfortable than free space interactions. In response, we developed ActiTouch, a new electrical method that enables precise on-skin touch segmentation by using the body as an RF waveguide. We combine this method with computer vision, enabling a system with both high tracking precision and robust touch detection. Our system requires no cumbersome instrumentation of the fingers or hands, requiring only a single wristband (e.g., smartwatch) and sensors integrated into an AR/VR headset. We quantify the accuracy of our approach through a user study and demonstrate how it can enable touchscreen-like interactions on the skin.


UIST 2019,3D and VR Input,

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