
When Islam Is Not a Religion: Inside America’s Fight for Religious Freedom

When Islam Is Not a Religion: Inside America’s Fight for Religious Freedom The Religious Freedom Center and Institute for Social Policy and Understanding (ISPU) host a celebration of the publication of Asma Uddin’s “When Islam Is Not a Religion: Inside America’s Fight for Religious Freedom.” The event kicks-off with Uddin in conversation with Tom Gjelten of National Public Radio, followed by a panel discussion among leaders from diverse faith communities.


Asma Uddin, author, "When Islam Is Not a Religion," senior scholar at the Freedom Forum Institute, visiting scholar at Brigham Young University Law School and a nonresident fellow at Georgetown and the University of California, Los Angeles


Tom Gjelten, religion and belief correspondent, NPR news

Dalia Mogahed, director of research, Institute for Social Policy and Understanding

Kevin Singer, co-Founder of Neighborly Faith

Jaideep Singh, scholar and activist

Steven Waldman, author, "Sacred Liberty: America's Long, Bloody and Ongoing Struggle for Religious Freedom," president and co-founder, Report for America

Recorded September 10, 2019, in the Newseum’s Knight TV Studio.


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