
Three ways to stimulate the vagus nerve

Three ways to stimulate the vagus nerve Three clinically proven ways to naturally stimulate the vagus nerve are: intracranial intranasal light therapy, auricular therapy and Qi-healing (prana mudra) with Sri Vidya chanting.

Besides high blood pressure, depression, dementia, migraines, fatigue and anxiety, some people with tinnitus, sleep apnea and epilepsy have been helped with these techniques. Try it! - Ricardo B Serrano, R.Ac.

- Excerpts from page 149, Return to Oneness with Shiva

Three Ways to Stimulate the Vagus Nerve

Why Electrotherapy and Qigong work

Intranasal Light Therapy

The Cure & Cause of Cancer

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Return to Oneness with Shiva

Oneness with Shiva

The Cure & Cause of Cancer

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