
The People Want Brexit Delivered Now!

The People Want Brexit Delivered Now! While Remainer politicians plot and scheme the downfall of Brexit by a thousand Article 50 extensions, the rest of the country wants Brexit delivered now.


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What do they put in the water that supplies the hallowed hall of the Palace of Westminster, that ensures the occupants are so detached from the rest of us?

Most of them sit there hour after hour opposing Brexit, with many of them doing it so vehemently that you would think it has become a personal crusade of winning, rather than working on fulfilling the will of the people.

Have they spent so much time just conversing with like minded Remainers that they've lost all touch with the wider reality?

Do they spend so much time talking to those with pro-EU vested interests or negotiating with those in Brussels to try and find a way to wriggle out of Brexit that they have not listened to the country?

Is it that it is no longer about politics, or economics or sovereignty to them, but just an attempt to do anything rather than experience a major personal failure?

Or is it all just ego driven?

Perhaps we'll never know.

But one thing's for sure, the people are getting fed up with all of this Brexit stuff, but to the dismay of the Remain establishment, the people haven't just thrown the towel in and surrendered to the inevitability of Brussels.

No, the people just want democracy served and Brexit delivered.

A Comres poll for the Telegraph shows just this.

54% of those asked said that the referendum result must be delivered on, with only 25% disagreeing.

And when looking at 2016 EU referendum Remain voters, 35% said they now wanted Brexit done and over.

And when talking about extending the Article 50 process, 49% were against it and only 29% said we should extend.

Warning for Remainers here, it doesn't matter if Boris Johnson does sign that Brexit extension letter you're trying to force him to send to Brussels - because the country knows who the real culprits are.

The people know who to blame. Hence why Remainer MPs find the concept of democracy via a general election a bit too hot to handle at the moment. And it's going to get hotter.

Anyway, back to the poll, when asked if the EU makes no concessions, which since that surrender Act put together by Remainers no concessions will be the most likely outcome, if the EU makes no concessions then 43% of the poll respondents said that the UK should leave without a deal and 32% said we shouldn't.

Overall though, on the statement 'I don't really care whether or not, or how, the UK leaves the EU, I just want the uncertainty over' 48% agreed and 37% disagreed.

There were a few other questions, but here's one that Labour should hoist in.

On the question: I would prefer to have Corbyn as PM than stay in the EU, 12% agreed they'd rather have Corbyn, but 62% disagreed!

And here's one for the soon to be gone Speaker, John Bercow, 60% of poll respondents said that Brexit had shown that the UK Constitution was in urgent need of an overhaul, with only 11% disagreeing.

Look out My Lords, your final sitting could be near!

In my opinion John Bercow, by his actions and his re-interpretation of the rules at crucial points, has caused much of the constitutional problems. Had he followed the rules to the letter, then Brexit could well have been done and dusted by now.

Remember that even the much respected former Speaker of the Commons, Betty Boothroyd, had cause to lambast Bercow over his Commons Remain stitch up earlier this year.

But Bercow is leaving, as will many of his Remainer colleagues when the next general election, whenever it occurs, appears on the calendar.

They now have nothing to lose by hanging on as hard as they can so as to see Brexit shattered.

So yes, I think this Remainer push is now mostly personal and driven more by ego than any political considerations.

Let's hope this is the start of weeding out those with anything less than a 100% commitment to the UK and its future success.





News,Politics,Brexit,Political News,Brexit News,Brexit Latest,European Union,United Kingdom,EU,UK,UK Government,brexit negotiations,UK Parliament,UK Politics,UK Political News,European Union News,Brexiteers,jeff taylor latest,jeff taylor,Jeff Taylor Brexit,no deal Brexit,article 50,boris johnson,comres,poll,comes poll,jeremy corbyn,betty boothroyd,john bercow,general election,

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