
The European Union Take Over of the UK's Defence and Intelligence Capabilities by Stealth

The European Union Take Over of the UK's Defence and Intelligence Capabilities by Stealth EXCLUSIVE: How the EU are Taking Over UK Defence and Intelligence by Stealth.

At a private briefing in Westminster last week, a group of military and intelligence experts fully revealed, for the first time, how the EU is taking over the UK's Defence and Intelligence capabilities.

This Information Has NOT been Publicly Released Before!

It is absolutely vital, for the defence of the nation, that the UK extricates itself from these EU structures and does not enter into any of the commitments currently within the Withdrawal Agreement and Political Declaration.

If the Prime Minister, following negotiations with the EU, does attempt to pass an agreement through Parliament, we need to be absolutely sure that current commitments to the EU Defence and Intelligence structures are removed and, even in a 'no-deal' scenario, we need to ensure that commitments already made - are cancelled.

Theresa May's Government Ministers and Officials signed the UK up, during the last 3 years, by the use of a series of Statutory Instruments thereby avoiding ANY Parliamentary or public scrutiny...

The full briefings will be available soon. Please share this as widely as possible to alert as many people as possible to this huge threat to UK Sovereignty and it's implications.


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