READ ALONG TO PRACTICE YOUR ENGLISH AND TO LEARN THE MEANING OF IT WORKS LIKE A CHARM: So in English when we say, "It works like a charm.", it means that the thing we are talking about works really, really well. One thing I know that works like a charm is if you buy little treats for your dog when you're trying to teach him a trick. It works like a charm whenever the dog does the trick you give him a little treat and it just works like a charm. It really helps to teach a dog how to behave. Another thing I know works like a charm is when someone gives someone flowers it usually makes them happy. It works like a charm. Jen and I like it when people buy flowers and give them to people because we like it when people are happy and we actually promise people that if they want to make someone happy, they should give them flowers. It works like a charm! Every time pretty much!
We also have the word, "charming". It's kind of related to, "It works like a charm." You can describe a person as being charming. If a person is charming it means that people really like being around them. They find them very entertaining and they find them just very fun to be around. I like to think that I'm a charming person, but I'm not really, I'm actually sometimes the opposite of charming. Sometimes I am quite gruff. If you don't what gruff means you should look it up. But I try to be charming, but sometimes I come across as gruff.
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