
I'm not going to be able to do a London UK ME Meet Up.

I'm not going to be able to do a London UK ME Meet Up. Hola

As some of you might know I wanted to see if we could get a ME Meet Up for us UK ME affected people. I always knew that I would need some help setting it up and organising people. Unfortunately my friend who was going to come with me has fallen ill and is unable to attend and due to my current physical health I feel that it is not possible for me to go to London on my own and guarantee anyone that I could be at a location at a certain time. My illness, which I believe was caused by the shock of the effect, has ruined my sleep pattern which is now highly erratic and accompanied by severe fatigue.

There are plenty of interested people and if even ten people showed up I would have been extremely happy. I did make a second video basically to try and convince myself to go, but the logistics are not viable. Maybe you folk can get together and meet or you chat below and work things out if anybody else is interested. It is something I feel needs to be done within the UK ME community and maybe I'll try again in future. As for now my apologies if I got your hopes up or have inconvenienced anyone, but mine and my friends health is more important at the moment and I'm sure you all understand that.

Many thanks to the people who spread the word, it was much appreciated.

Take care of yourselves!



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