
i burnt a zucchini & lived to tell the tale

i burnt a zucchini & lived to tell the tale PLEASE READ / SKIM / GLANCE AT W VACANT APPREHENSION:

TW: eating disorders n food

AGGRESSIVE SHOUTY DISCLAIMER: this vid is for documentation / entertainment (??) purposes. im evidently not a dietician or nutritionist. this channel has been created NOT to glamorise eating disorders, but to show you what my -personal- recovery journey looks like (even though im miles away yet!) & keep me accountable. obvs its entirely subjective !! these are my own thoughts n feelings relating to my own illness. i try n stay relatively inoffensive but i DO use humour n nonchalance as a coping mechanism so if youre unhappy or offended by smth in this vid then thats ur own personal problem as youve had fair warning :))

that being said !! thanks so much for clicking this vid. please do like / comment / subscribe & all that jazz. id love to interact w u all x


mulberries in rye. - poetry / mh / feminism / love:
a sparrow salutes to the moon. - non-fiction / ed awareness / recovery advocacy:
panache! - non-fiction / beginner's guide to high fashion:

eating disorder,eatingdisorder,bulimia,bulimia recovery,trigger warning,tw,what i eat in a day,

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