
EMS killed the pumps + Company hacked the temp cooling units!

EMS killed the pumps + Company hacked the temp cooling units! The EMS here has some Gremlins in it causing it to shut off isolation valves while running the pumps.
This caused the pumps to overflow the tower and not return the water, eventually running the pumps dry until one seized and the other motor overheated.

While the pumps were on order a company came out with some portable A/C units.
These units use 100% outside air and discharge the cool air through the flex ducts that were ran up to the rooftop and into the large Air Handler Units.
The customer said they did not seem to be providing much of any cooling.
Once I took a gander at how they fitted the supply ducts to the unit it was no wonder.
They installed the supply ducts to the supply side of the air handler units.
However, they left the supply fans on and the high static fans in the large Air Handler Units are no match for the supply fans in those portable coolers!
I imagine that these portable coolers were intended to supply air into the return side of the air handler units and use the air handler supply fan to deliver the air to the building as usual.

I replaced the pumps and reset the controls in the chiller plant and at the air handler.
I'm crossing my fingers that they don't wig out again however once again I have recommended that the customer has the controls gone through by the controls vendor. I'm not holding my breath.


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