
EAT ONLY ONE COLOR OF FOOD WITH THE SUPER POPS (Based on the 24 Hour Rainbow Food Challenge)

EAT ONLY ONE COLOR OF FOOD WITH THE SUPER POPS (Based on the 24 Hour Rainbow Food Challenge) Each of the SuperPops only Eat Their Color of Food. What Surprise Items will Each Super Pop Get?

Super Pops Challenge with Laura Hall playing Chloe and CosmicPop eating Pink Food, Scarlett Sheppard playing Emma and ElectraPop eating Red Food, Zaria Suggs playing Peyton and PowerPop Eating Yellow Food, Olivia playing Finley and FlashPop eating purple food, and Stephanie Hoston playing Camilla and CrystalPop easting blue food.

The SuperPops: Pop Stars with Superpowers

Pop Music High Season 1

Totally TV Channel

One Color of Food,24 Hour Challenge,Rainbow Food Challenge,SuperPops,Super Pops,One Color of Food for 24 Hours,Colored Food,Red Food,Pink Food,Yellow Food,Blue Food,Purple Food,Totally TV,24 hours,i only ate pink food,i only ate,i only ate yellow food,i only ate red food,i only ate blue food,I only ate blue food,

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