
Confessions of an Uncomplicated Mom with Katie Uncomplicated

Confessions of an Uncomplicated Mom with Katie Uncomplicated Do I have it all figured out as a mom? That's a negative Ghost Rider
Do I know what happens after I count to three? Not a clue, but I'll figure out when I get there
Do I eat ice cream after they go to bed because I don't want to share? Um, is that even a real question. Sure do! Zero guilt over here
Do my kids give me a legit case of Mom Brain? Yup, every day
Is it worth it? Infinity times infinity, yes. My cup runneth over.

Follow me, Katie Uncomplicated, on Facebook and Instagram

~ Just a redhead trying to UNcomplicate the complicated with humor, faith, and total honesty

Katie Uncomplicated,survival mode,parenting,Confessions of a mom,Redhead blogger,

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