
CAPRICORN OCTOBER 2019 * Success ! Stepping Into Your Power ! Fantastic Opportunities !

CAPRICORN OCTOBER 2019 * Success ! Stepping Into Your Power ! Fantastic Opportunities ! The Capricorn forecast for October 2019 which unveils hidden secrets and predictions for you.

Here we have spiritual mystic Nigel Saint James deliver a unique and expert tarot reading for CAPRICORN which is a blend of Astrology and Tarot.

We draw the tarot cards which apply to you so as to give an accurate forecast as what CAPRICORN can expect for the month of October.

The tarot cards are split into four suits being wands, cups, swords and disks which are associated with the elements of fire, water, air, and earth respectively.

The major arcana cards are particularly important and represent energies which are coming strongly around this month. The minor arcana cards, although less important than the major arcana tarot cards, are still important to signify what is going to be in store for you this month.

Although a horoscope is good, Nigel’s method of esoteric tarot reading takes into account the astrology of the cards, being the planets and star signs, which apply to the cards depending on where the cards are placed in the card spread.
The meanings of the cards are determined by, among other things, the astrology of the card in the position it occupies in the spread, the time of year that the card applies to, and by the interaction of the esoteric elements of the cards themselves.
The numerology applicable to the card also has an important part to play in revealing the messages that the card, as well as the esoteric astrology applying to the particular numerology at the time the reading is intended to apply to.

His reading for you also contains a blend of esoteric and mystical meanings of the spiritual energies which surround you at this time.

The tarot cards he has drawn for you indicate that you have great things in store.

Don't forget to also check out your Rising and Moon placements in your birth chart. He has published videos for those signs for the month as well.

Nigel combines both astrology and tarot in accordance with his own school of mysticism and esotericism, which delivers an expert, balanced and insightful forecast for each of the zodiac signs.

Nigel brings a deeper level of psychic and mystical insights, messages and forecasts in line with his years of spiritual and mystical training and teaching.

Mr. Saint James provides psychic guidance to celebrities, sportspeople, business people and men and women just like you - using a variety of methods, among which are astrology, tarot, and playing card divination.


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