It is a broad spectrum biocide and kills and prevents diesel bug.
DieselAid B has engine manufacturer approval.
Diesel Bug is a combination of mould, yeast and bacteria.
Diesel Bug is caused by water in your tank(s). Water can enter the tank in a number of ways. You only need the smallest amount of water for diesel bug to take hold and it breeds extremely quickly. It will stop your engine if not treated.
You can read more about diesel bug here:
MarShip is dedicated to prolonging the life of your diesel engine.
We have developed a range of diesel fuel additives with the brand name DieselAid.
We have treatments suited to applications including Marine and Agriculture.
Our Biocide also has engine manufacturer approval.
View our full range of Diesel Fuel Additives here:
If you are unsure which product best suits your application, please contact us for advice.
It is imperative to remove the water from your tank. If you tank has a drain, please use it is part of your fuel management routine.
If your tank has no drain, take a look at our Diesel Dipper® which will remove water from the FLOOR of your tank.
DieselAid B is supplied in 1, 5, 25 and 200 litre containers.
Dose rate to KILL / Eradicate Diesel Bug is 1 Litre : 1,000 litres of diesel
Dose rate to Prevent Diesel Bug is 1 Litre : 20,000 litres of diesel