Happy Labor Day!!! This video is the progression of my beginner's Pilates that i Uploaded last week . Check the video out if you haven't. If you are having joint pain, neck and low back pain then start with that previous video before doing this 2nd progression series in order to prevent any injuries.
Beginner's Easy and Gentle Pilates 2nd part series Fundamentals Progression that you could do at home
If you haven't met me my name is Annie, I am a physical therapist and certified Pilate’s instructor and I love to incorporate Pilates for my patients with neck and back pain. Evidence based proven to help strengthen and improve the flexibility /mobility of the spine. I am starting the weekly program with a beginner’s Pilates program with proper deep breathing and core engagement plus the 6 simple beginner’s program . The exercises are safe to perform at home, with your mat or on your bed to help strengthen your core and relieve some back pain discomfort.
One of the basic rule of Pilates is to make sure to have the Fundamentals . And that is to engage core muscles by performing deep breathing exercise . How do you engage your core? Through proper deep breathing, when you inhale through your nose, you pull your navel in, then slowly exhale through your mouth, keeping you spine in neutral by checking it with your hand at the small of your back without pressing on your hand. While slowly exhaling through the mouth , you squeeze your buttocks and then lastly you imagine not to pee in order to engage your bladder and pelvic floor muscles (kegel's exercise). Perform at least 10 breaths with engagement of core muscles in order to prevent back injuries and in order to strengthen your deep spinal muscles while keeping your back in neutral position. if you the breaths slowly and move your legs slowly , it is safe for seniors, elderly and anyone with injury , joint pain, back pains and eventually Will Help strengthen your spinal muscles.
Engaging the core by performing deep breathing is crucial on each motion of your leg, strengthen your pelvic floor muscles, bladder, diaphragm and the transverse abdominis (a circular muscle that wraps around from the abdomen all the way around your back).
Here are the beginner's progression exercises to start that will not hurt your back.
1. Table top, (bending knee to chest up to 90 degrees knee and hip flexion single leg) I added the arm movements to gently challenge you.
2. table top with hip abduction (after table top, lower leg to the side then go back to table top before going to starting position on the mat)
3. leg circles (start on ankle circles to stretch clockwise and counterclockwise then the whole lower extremity keeping knee straight, if keeping knee straight is too difficult due to tightness, you could slightly bend your knee ). single leg then the progressions is Double ankle pumps, circles then the legs (if this is too hard then continue with single leg)
4. Hip abduction with knees traight. Separating legs apart while lying on your back, (you could place your hands behind your knees for support if it is too challenging)
5. Butterfly - with knees bent gently separate knees apart
6 bridging- lifting your buttocks of your mat, squeeze together, pull belly button in then slowly lower your buttocks down touching the mat one vertebrae at a time. A progression with bridging with arms reach then the 3rd progression with single leg kick
hip hip abduction, while in bridge position, separate knees apart.
7. Scissoring: alternating reaching your hands and feet keeping them straight opposite side, trying to target your core, obliques and abdominals,
1 simple stretching added in the end, Butterfly stretch with rocking side to side
Please leave a comment for any specific question with this Fundamental Basic Beginner's video.
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Facebook : Annie teaching vacation Pilates instructor, physical therapist @Pilatesphysicaltherapyannie
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Twitter: honeyannie07
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Annie Pilates Physical therapist , recommend you consult with a physician before starting any exercise program. The exercises give here are not meant to treat, diagnose medical condition. Please stop if you have any increasing pain or discomfort. You understand that any physical activity can pose a risk and this channel you assume all risk and injury, you are voluntarily participating in these activities, assume all risk of injury to yourself.
Email: Honeyannie@yahoo.com