
Wealth Compass: Erase Your Scarcity Story And Discover Just How Close You Are To Unlimited Abundance

Wealth Compass: Erase Your Scarcity Story And Discover Just How Close You Are To Unlimited Abundance ► FREE eBook:
► FREE Audio:

North: “Connecting With Your Natural State”
Discover how to recognize negative Emotional Charges, dissolve the “Old Stories” of scarcity, and then transform them into the abundant reality you truly want.

East: “Feed The Good Wolf”
Watch… as real-life magic reveals itself to you as you discover that the reward of abundance… far outweighs the discomfort of diving even deeper into Emotional Charges.

South: “Waking Up From The Dream”
Prepare to FEEL your brain rewiring itself… as you discover how to fully OWN… and take response - ability for everything you create.

West: “Celebrating Your Dream"
Experience “Abracadabra Moments” that reveal real-life magic… and abundance… by asking the Golden Question: “How will my Natural State reveal itself…?”

► Home Page:

Throughout history, everyone has questioned the passage to prosperity.

Some believe it to be the high road through the “rat race” while others remain complacent believing it to be an impossible dream.

There is yet a third category that has redefined prosperity using divine principles to create a natural spiritual abundance.

What is abundance?

Yes, that is the exact question I had before I opted for the Wealth Compass course – I had absolutely no idea what it meant!

However, now I would define it as a state of consciousness, an overflowing fullness regardless of how little you may have.

To clearly understand and define the difference between the paucity and prosperity of spirit, you need to reflect on one's thoughts and actions on a moment-by-moment basis.

Self-loathing is a strict no-no when it comes to abundance.

What is it about?

Self-respect and a sense of deserving, play an integral role in igniting and sustaining abundance.

If you believe that you deserve something, you will very quickly attract a lot of what you long for.

If however, your unworthiness overshadows your wants then you could be waiting forever.

I was astounded to know about my self-worth, which helped me to believe in myself. It inspired me to take charge, rather than asking – why me, and then playing the victim.

Thoughts of scarcity would have made me needier, so even if I had everything, there will be emptiness on physical, emotional, and social levels.

While being financially secure does bring forth a state of abundance, it isn’t the sole aspect of it.

Abundance means giving your last morsel and trusting there will be enough for you. Abundance means a big heart, a generosity of spirit; not counting or calculating.

How does abundance help?

It is the knowledge that I have the inner power and qualities right here, at my disposal.

As an eternal being of light, I have everything. I just have to remember and reconnect to this wisdom.

The easy way to manifest abundance in your life is to create a vision first of the life you want and then to water that vision daily with powerful, positive, pure thoughts of love and attention.

Want to live in abundance? Wish to explore the enormous supply of virtues, powers, and qualities in your soul?

The Wealth Compass has all the answers you are looking for! It guarantees positive results or else you get your money back – certainly worth taking a risk, right?


FREE Bonus #1: “How To Become The Leader of Your Attention” (Video Training)

You'll discover how to:
-EASILY become the leader of YOUR “reality.”
-How to quickly SHIFT out of despondency… and into a state of abundant utter bliss.
-Avoid the pitfalls of “Agenda-Based Abundance.”

FREE Bonus #2: Printable “Attention Tracker"

Keep track of where you’re placing your Attention on a daily basis as you follow the flow of The Wealth Compass.
Watch your progress unfold before your eyes… and let your growth… inspire even more abundance.

FREE Bonus #3: The Wealth Compass E-Book

You’ll receive the eBook version of all of Mark’s guided meditations… all in one location.
Make these transformative truths permanent… faster… by reading along with the audio tracks, by reading them to yourself aloud… or by revisiting the print version during your meditation time.

FREE Limited Time BONUS Offer (Optional):

Get One Month FREE Access To The Wealth Compass Inner Circle.
Get real-time and ongoing support in your abundance journey with The Wealth Compass Inner Circle.
And your first month… is AUTOMATICALLY FREE with your purchase of The Wealth Compass.


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