
The one thing you will find wonderful in Hindi (Ek Cheez Milegi Wonderful)

The one thing you will find wonderful in Hindi (Ek Cheez Milegi Wonderful) A must watch movie for developing consciousness and expanding one's awareness in order to lead a happy life, based on the real true intrinsic principles and values and not based on evil desires that come from external influences.
Its all about keeping the fundamentals on the basis of all our endeavors and pursuing a life based on the principles that resonate with us.
Human being has 5 senses that conceive a limited fraction of knowledge and information of sound and vision.
The purpose of our highest potential is to break the barrier of limited thinking and to become our highest self.

What we think happiness is not real happiness because it diminishes as time goes by and as the time changes while growing up and growing old.
The base of all the happiness is the sorrow and getting over the sorrow and pain. Once we get over that sorrow and find happiness, that same happiness diminishes and becomes less satisfactory.
Economics also teaches the diminishing marginal utility which applies to happiness too.
All the worldly happiness is directly connected to the pain and sorrow and the relieving of it becomes happiness.
The truth of this world may be depressing and bitter but once we accept it our perspective starts to change, and we can find real happiness. The state of nirvana.

#thetruth #hapiness #consciousness #nirvana


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