
SBT Alliance - Signify Panel LFI 2019 Part 1

SBT Alliance - Signify Panel   LFI 2019   Part 1 I think that we are saving the best for last because we have a very special guest from the system integrator segment meaning that they are the one who in my mind use my own terminologies that bring the solution to the customer not only doing the design but also do the support and a lot of good stuff so it's very exciting to have you guys to be here and then really kind of bring that new perspective we have three sessions up to this point already on this control manufacturers and they give us a really good insight upon where they see for the connector lighting but I want to complement that with these two gentlemen who alleged your introduction but I think they combined you have 55 years of industry experience so like wow I'm sure there's a lot of great lesson learned and that's why I want to have this be the opportunity to talk about you know things that we don't see because it would provide a component to the OEMs and then you guys bring this full solution to the end customers I think that's really interesting last step in a journey that I want to spotlight on so I thank you very much for coming in so Benjamin I would let you introduce to the audience or self thank you Robert...

Thank you for having us just to clarify, I think 45 of those years my Benjamin Buchanan is the CEO is smarter Building Technologies Alliance we are systems integrator and we are approaching the market here with advanced controls in mind and IOT and intelligent buildings realizing that there's been a shift lately that technology has taken over the LED industry right so or the lighting industry which you know now we almost call it the LED industry and it needs to we all need to pause and we may need to change our business models the technology is finding its way deeper into the fixture deeper into products that never had technology before they were always analog and that actually creates some challenges for us because the way that our industry has been set up for the last 100 years hasn't really been enabled for technology so we believe we have a nice model that's gonna be able to integrate technology into buildings and so hopefully we can talk about that today and about what signifies doing to enable that as well and how we can all work together to change the industry so what's your background...

Well so my background is I started out as a contractor and a retrofit you know millions and millions of square feet for the first 10 years of my career and got into the product site and started by working in the just the basic commodity a lighting space selling florescent components and all the different components we would represent sensors and everything built around the sales if you guys know it and then made my way into in the sensors we represented watt stopper and then I ended up opening an agency that represented a lot of different controls lines and then was working to represent daintree and they say that rather than represents I think you need to come over so Spencer here's a dangerous starting that company with them and building it up and then eventually they were acquired by GE and now current and this made a transition for me to say you know I've seen enough sides of this industry I think it's time that I go and work with these folks to help them get to market I can probably do more good on the outside than on the inside so I've been the business for 32, not 45 so so my experience has ranged from the engineering side where I did the shield group controls actually when I first start in the industry moved into the marketing I did a lot of work with control systems and drivers and then I took over came as sales and then actually ran over the business that was the larger large Tesco and in the u.s. for quite some time did that and wanted to move to I think the more exciting part of the industry right now I mean really get to see a big change I went from where we were relamping stores with fluorescent lamps TAS all the time now we're into a whole new level of actually getting into changing how these stores actually work or buildings in general so that's the exciting part I think I've been getting we're getting into an area that is much more interesting much more and much more fulfilling for the customers as well too...

Benjamin every time I talk to you I just feel like I'm learning so much drinking a fire hydrant so I think I really want you use the opportunity for you to share with all our audience here in the room today the thing that you see in here so I want to start with asking you a question about telling us a little bit about SBT alliance because I'm not sure how many of you out there know other's company so give us very quick you know hey this is what your company does and then we can talk a little bit more...

SBT Alliance,signify,lightfair,advanced led controls,wireless networks,IoT,led control systems,wireless controls,

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