
Movement to do away with the 2nd Amendment is Underway

Movement to do away with the 2nd Amendment is Underway Congress is in talks to do away with the 2nd Amendment. Not in a very long time has anyone who has the power to explain what the 2nd Amendment means explained it. We have gun lovers who explain it one way and those who are Federalist who explain it another way. I understand how it was written and what it means in the time frame it was written in. I will post a link to a modern version of the way it would be written if it were created in today's language. It has the original version and how it is supposed to be interpreted. Congress says it is an amendment that is outdated but the Founding Fathers took that into account when they wrote the Constitution. The one thing they didn't count on was that the future citizens would become lazy towards their Government and that Our Government would take advantage of that fact. The declaration of Independence warns us about this and also talls what to do if this starts to happen. This is a link to an image I created. On one side it has the 2nd Amendment and on the other it has the 2nd Amendment the way the founding fathers intended for it to be understood.


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