
✅ I think he’d be pleased: Comedian performs Edinburgh show after father’s death

✅  I think he’d be pleased: Comedian performs Edinburgh show after father’s death 💖 Please Visit:
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✍   A comedian who lost his father to kidney cancer returned to the stage just days later to deliver “one of the best shows in terms of atmosphere that I’ve done”. Milo Edwards, 26, had been performing his show Pindos at this year’s Edinburgh Festival Fringe when his mother called to tell him to come home to see his father, Keith.  “I t back to London about six o clock,” Milo told PA. “We sat with him, and by about quarter past eight he was dead. “We decided that the best thing for me to do was to back up and do the show on Wednesday and carry on, because that’s what dad would have wanted.” With that in mind, Milo tweeted: “I want a lot of people there so please come at 2 or share this or both,” while fellow comedians rallied to help promote the show.    With a modified conclusion to his act, the former Cambridge student performed in front of his largest audience at this year’s festival, with around 45 people turning up on the Wednesday afternoon. And while the show was well received ...


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