
Getting Past the 30 Star Door using a Regular BLJ

Getting Past the 30 Star Door using a Regular BLJ I show that it's possible to get past the 30 star door using a regular BLJ.

Previously, we believed it was only possible to prematurely get past the 30 star door using either a MIPS clip, a side BLJ (SBLJ), or hyper speed wall kicking (HSWKing). Thus, for 16 star RTA runs, the category definition stated that SBLJs were banned (HSWKing is too precise to matter in RTA). And for 16 star TAS runs, the category definition stated that SBLJs and HSWKing were banned. These bans ensured that MIPS clip would be used in the optimal case, meaning that 16 stars would be collected in total.

However, now that we know a regular BLJ can get past the 30 star door, the rulesets might have to change. This maneuver is probably too precise for RTA, meaning that the RTA definition can stay as is, and just only ban SBLJ. However, the 16 star TAS category would have to ban this, though it's less clear what the specific ruling would be. BLJs can't be banned outright, since they're necessary for prematurely getting past the endless stairs. So probably either we'd have to state that MIPS clip is required or ban BLJ in this specific spot.

Update: Zombie found that we can indeed use this technique to skip the DDD entrance:


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