
Did the Jewish Nation Disobey Yahweh In the Manner In Which Jesus Was Executed?

Did the Jewish Nation Disobey Yahweh In the Manner In Which Jesus Was Executed? Lord God was very explicit in the manner in which Jews found guilty of disobeying the Law of Moses should be executed. In the case of Yeshua, Jesus, He was accused by the Sanhedrin of disobeying the law of Moses. The law of Moses never advocated crucifixion as a means of execution. Crucifixion was a gentile (Roman) means of execution. Under Roman law, Pontius Pilot said that Jesus was innocent. It was the Sanhedrin and King Herod that said otherwise. Jesus was not even executed in the manner prescribed the Torah (the Law of Moses).

The Jews disobeyed the law of Moses through the execution of Jesus by way of crucifixion. Did their disobedience bring up on the Jewish nation their destruction in 70 A.D.

The Jews had charged Jesus with disobeying the law of Moses yet they then turned around and disobey the law of Moses in the manner in which she was executed. Jesus was of the lineage of king David. Jews to crucify a fellow Jew would be in direct violation of Yahweh's commandments.

law of Moses,jew,jews,Jewish,Torah,Isreal,

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