
ह्या एका गोष्टीने मदत केली SUCCESSFUL होण्यासाठी! | Mahendra Chavan | Josh Talks Marathi

ह्या एका गोष्टीने मदत केली SUCCESSFUL होण्यासाठी! | Mahendra Chavan | Josh Talks Marathi अनेकदा आयुष्यात असे काही क्षण येतात जेव्हा खूप दिशाहीन झालायसारखे वाटते. वाटते कि आता जी परिस्तिथी आहे, त्याच्या व्यतिरिक्त काहीच होऊ शकत नाही आपलं आयुष्यात. आपल्या नशिबी यशामागे पाळण्याचे सौभाग्य नाही कारण बिकट परिस्तिथीच्या जाळ्यात अडकल्यासारखे वाटत राहते नेहमी. पण आपण हे लक्षात ठेवायचे आहे कि आपण ह्या परिस्थितीच्या पलीकडे बघायला शिकायला हवे. खरे जीवन, खरे यश तिथेच दडले आहे. तिथे पोहोचण्यासाठी अनेक कष्ट करावे लागतील, तरीही चालेल, पण तिथपर्यंत पोहाचआयचाच हा विश्वास जवळ असायला हवा. असेच जीवन जगले महेंद्र चव्हाण ह्यांनी. ज्या मुलाकडे आपल्या पहिल्या कॉम्पिटिशन पूर्वी खायला वेफर ऐवजी काही खायची ऐपत नव्हती, तो आज MR. WORLD बनला आहे, हा पराक्रम घडला तो फक्त त्याच्या जिद्दीमुळे. त्यांच्या ह्या कहाणी ऐकण्यासाठी त्यांचा JOSH TALK नक्की पहा!

Alot of times in our lives, we feel bogged down and directionless. This feeling of sadness is usually due to lose of hope in life, in our current situation. We get stuck in our day to day life, in the circle of winning our bread that we forget that we can have a more satisfying life beyond it. We can have our best life, if we are ready to struggle for it. This is the primary message that Mr.World and Josh Talks Speaker Mahendra Chavan share, along with his experiences throughout his journey. A boy who could not afford anything apart from a packet of wafers before going on stage goes on to represent India on a global level and ends of becoming the Mr.World is nothing short of a miracle story, but behind it actually is a life of hard work and persistence

Josh Talks Marathi has this vision of representing Maharashtrian culture through the inspirational and motivational channel in Maharashtra, taking along all the motivational speakers in Maharashtra and also all over the world. In Marathi, there are already so many people doing something extraordinary about which you might not even have any clue but with Josh Talks best motivational video, which is inspirational, motivational will surely inspire you to never give up. The saying of never give up is fully ingested into our motivational speeches. Our each Motivational Speaker along with Josh Talks gives such motivational and inspiring speech which comprises of so many things like life lessons, tips to, life quotes, Marathi Motivation, also motivation in Marathi, all these aspects in every story you’ll find here only on our Josh Talks Marathi channel. We are on a mission to find and showcase the best motivational stories from across India through documented videos and live events held all over the Maharashtra region, in our country. What started as a simple conference is now a fast-growing media platform that covers the most innovative rags to riches success stories with the motivational speakers from every conceivable background, including entrepreneurship, women’s rights, public policy, sports, entertainment, and social initiatives. With 7 regional languages in our ambit, our stories and speakers echo one desire: to inspire action. Our goal is to unlock the potential of passionate young Indians from rural and urban areas by inspiring them to overcome the setbacks they face in their career and helping them discover their true calling in life. All through such motivational speech and inspirational video.

जोश टॉक्स भारतातील सर्वात प्रेरणादायी कथा गोळा करून त्या आपल्यासमोर सादर करते. विविध पार्श्वभूमीतील व्यक्तींना त्यांच्या कथा आपल्या सर्वांसमोर सामायिक करण्यासाठी आम्ही आमंत्रित करत असतो.

जोश Talks चे इतर व्हिडिओ पहा: वर. प्रत्येक आठवड्यात नविन विडीओ आम्ही सादर करतो, आमच्या चॅनेलवर सबस्क्राइब करा आणि बेल आयकॉन दाबून आमच्या अपडेट चुकवु नका.

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