
MSM and politicians are lying to the people by branding concerned citizens far right.

MSM and politicians are lying to the people by branding concerned citizens far right. Politicians and MSM are in cahoots to brand anyone right of Karl Marx as far right.
Winston Peters the deputy PM of New Zealand with the help of propagandist and so called in investigative journalist (That's a laugh) Patrick Gower are claiming good people who are concerned about the UN global compact are far right white supremacists.
Winston is now saying death threat against him are coming from the far right and being orchestrated by Austrian far right groups and he's even implicated National party leader Simon Bridges in a plot to kill him.
None of this is true. This is blatant lies to shut down free speech on social media and destroy good people who are worried.
This is the chilling effect to make people fear speaking out.
Winston threatens with an investigation from the SIS (Sectret Intelligence Service). He has no evidence because it's all fabricated between him and Gower. This absolutely stinks as fake news!
Phil Arps, (the man who's doing time now for sharing the video of the mosque shooting) and his REAL far right mates infiltrated our rally against against the UN migration pact in Christchurch in February.
We didn't want them there, but what could we do? They just turned up and hijacked our protest. Now the media is lumping us with them, and that is fake.
I'll leave link so you can take a look at a clown in action.

And this is Cathedral sq last February. The real far right came, but we had no choice but to carry on. This was our rally but they very successfully got right in amongst us.
And now this is what Peters and Gower are using to smear us.

Trump,Peters,globalisation,mass migration,un global compact,far right,MSM lies,lying politicians,Brexit,Tommy,populism,Marxism,socialism,merkal,Macron,propaganda,patrick gower,

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