
Invention of Quinine | Science Marvels | Hungama Kids

Invention of Quinine | Science Marvels | Hungama Kids Hungama Kids brings to you another exciting series of Science Marvels, where we would share some interesting stories behind scientific inventions and discoveries by man. Let's take a look at the invention of Quinine.

It is not just Physics & electronics but also Botany and Chemistry that has contributed in some useful inventions and discoveries. So let us talk about one such invention which is also considered to be accidental discovery – Quinine

Quinine is definitely one of the most important discoveries in the field of medical science. Its been said this chemical found inside the bark of Cinchona tree was first discovered in South America in the late 16th Century. According to the legend, a tribal man with a high fever was lost in an Andean jungle. When he drank from a pool of stagnant water, he found it tasted bitter. Realizing it had been contaminated by the surrounding quina-quina trees he thought that he was poisoned. But in few days his fever got cured and after this incident, the tribal people from his village started using extracts from quina-quina bark to treat fevers. This fever was not just any was malarial fever that had no cure at that point in time, until this incident happened.

Post this, a lot many people started getting the bark of this particular species of tree form the Andean forests to Europe and soon this tree got named as Cinchona. All the botanists and scientists tried to extract and find this miraculous chemical but the discovery or rather the invention of this chemical is credited to two French chemists. In 1820 French chemist Pierre-Joseph Pelletier and Joseph-Bienaime Caventou isolated quinine from cinchona bark and thus gave the medical world one of its most prized drugs – Quinine. Later, in 1908, P. Rabe identified the correct chemical structure of quinine.

And thus began the era of synthesizing this compound and thus making it easy for common man to use.

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Narrator - Prachi Chaube

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#Quinine #Invention #ScienceMarvels

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