
I Remember When... | Powerful Neville Goddard Technique!

I Remember When... | Powerful Neville Goddard Technique! Welcome back to another video! 😀

Today I’m going to share with you an incredible technique that’s gonna help you go from one state -a negative, unwanted state- to another, way more positive state that’s in line with what you want to manifest.

Before we begin, I just wanted to invite you to join my free 5-Day Bust Your Blocks challenge. It’s a 5 day challenge that I created to help you figure out the things that are blocking you from manifesting your desires with ease, and then to remove those blocks easily! It’s completely free and it’s produced some powerful shifts for the people who completed it. So if you want to overcome your hidden inner blocks and experience a powerful shift too then you should totally try this challenge too!

I also want to invite you to join my Facebook community, where you can ask questions, get answers and support and suggest topics for future videos!

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Alright, so today’s technique is called “I remember when”.

This technique is deceptively simple, but extremely powerful!

Here’s how you use it:

Let’s say for example that you have a very old car that looks horrible keeps needing repairs all the time. So you have this old car, and what you really want is to manifest a new car. Maybe you have a specific model in mind, or maybe you just want a new or newer car that looks better and that you can rely on to take you where you want to go.

So what you want to do is this:

You look at or picture that old car you currently have in your mind and -out loud or in your mind- you say:

“I remember when I used to have that old car! “

Now if you remember when you used to have that old car, that implies that you don’t have it anymore! No one says “Oh, I remember when I used to have that old car. I still have that same old useless car now”. We tend to use “I remember when” when we are talking about something that used to exist and now doesn’t.

So you instantly put yourself in the shoes of your future self. You instantly put yourself in the position of the version of you who already has that new car that you want to manifest right now.

You can elaborate a bit more if you want, and describe your desire in detail right after the “I remember when” phrase:

You can say or think for example:

“I remember when I used to have that old car! Things have changed so much since then! I now have a brand-new car that is very reliable and looks awesome too!”

Very simple technique, right? But it truly works! You can use it by itself or in addition to other techniques, and it will help shift you from a place of lack and disappointment to a state of feeling as if your desire has already manifested.

You can use this technique for anything you want to manifest.

For example, if you want to manifest your ex, Mary, back, you can say:

“I remember when me and Mary were still broken up!”

Or if you want to get married, you can say:

“I remember when I was still single!”

Or for example if you want to move to a bigger, nicer house, every time you return home, while standing in the driveway you can say:

“I remember when I still used to live here!”

Or maybe you want to increase your income. You can say “I remember when I was still making half of what I’m making now!”

Or maybe: “I remember when I wasn’t making 6 figures yet!”

Anything you have or don’t have right now, you can turn it on its head by using this simple phrase: “I remember when”.

📺 Watch my top playlists:
1️⃣Neville Goddard:
2️⃣Reality Transurfing:
3️⃣Manifest Your Dream Life:

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