The desire of the body should be non-physical relationship
Let us first tell you that we are not talking about a married man named Suda. Here we are talking about non-physical relations and God blesses Sudha people............
Note......Bible verse............
Psalm 119 - Chapter 119: 9 With what measure would the young man keep his way pure? According to your word, be careful.
11 I have left your word in your heart so that I should not sin against you.
Romans 7: 5 For when we were at home, the desires of sin, which were by law, worked in our limbs to produce the fruit of death.
Romans 7: 7 What shall we say then? Is the system sin? not at all! I have not known sin, except in the law: If the law says, 'Do not greed, I do not know the greed'.......
2 Timothy - Chapter 2:22 Part of the desires of the young man; And those who take the name of the Lord with a pure mind, with them religion, and faith,
1 Peter - Chapter 2:11 Dear friends, I beg you to know yourself as a foreigner and a traveler, and keep away from the worldly desires that war with the soul.
1 Thessalonians - Chapter 4: 3 Because God's will is that you should be holy: that is, avoid adultery.
Matthew 6:21 For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.