(I uploaded this tone (OXYGEN) 2 months ago on this channel lol)
There it is:
WHY do they ban? My video was taking down so I repeat. Play this tone in your room while u out plus 741 hz. When you come back home you will have perfect air quality!!!
Info Crystal Video (there will be more):
When you are one your brain can not receive or decode junk information (alternating current). Simple thing! Short: the Illuminati DONT want you to have that. There is plenty of Information about hq orgonit on the Internet. This prevents mind control same as my orgon frequency as I uploaded. Experiment with it! But it will also bring all your evil shit up which is within! If you can't stand it demons inside of you don't want it. High chance that when you are on this channel and can take my energy not many demons are pocessing your dna and emf (electro magnetic field).
More information about mstate minerals: (englisch)
You have to get this information into your head especially in relation to DIRECT CURRENCY. This is what you have to become. Simply become one. But love womans. Don't forget that. And the other way arround.
My product list:
This is your way to support this channel.
You won't find anything close to all this information here in germany when it comes to it's complexity.
I would appreciate it. Hit me up. Comunnicate. Wake up!
Open your mouth, raise your voice.
Pass me an email. Whatever issue. Everything.
I can deal with it.
Please comment, like, as this is important info.
Thank you 💚💖
Another info: they use SOOOO much magic and technology to CLOSE your throat chakra! They know HOW TO DO IT. Open it up!
Work in it day by day. Even your friends or family members are closing it as soon you become intelligent and wake up! You have to know it!
BY THE WAY If you are an MASTER you can programm those crystals with your mind, with whatever you want. They will do.
I know for most people it will be impossible to understand lol.
(The military was programming them via computer.. now in your smartphone with thousands of programms)
Another simple thing: Illuminati are bitches!