
Are think tank groups partially responsible for the Iran problem?

Are think tank groups partially responsible for the Iran problem? *Late night video - I put this together last minute and rushed through it, sorry for the quality!

Think tank groups trump every form of congressional research when it comes to influencing our foreign policy.

And it seems that 90% of the most influential think tank groups are saturated with Neocons.

Why are Christian Zionists writing our foreign policy papers , ultimately calling the plays and shots for the entire country (when it comes to foreign/international activity).

The World is a stage ... don’t let the characters fool you

Think tank group - think tank groups - think - tank - group- war - PNAC - kagan - Robert kagan - Kimberly kagan - AEI - ISW - conspiracy - conspiracy theory - Which Path to Persia - options for a New American strategy - USA - trump - Donald trump - Israel - Israeli- haim saban - saban - brookings institution- coup - revolution - Iran - war with Iran - Carlyle group - Rubinstein - John Bolton - influence foreign policy

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