Think tank groups trump every form of congressional research when it comes to influencing our foreign policy.
And it seems that 90% of the most influential think tank groups are saturated with Neocons.
Why are Christian Zionists writing our foreign policy papers , ultimately calling the plays and shots for the entire country (when it comes to foreign/international activity).
The World is a stage ... don’t let the characters fool you
Think tank group - think tank groups - think - tank - group- war - PNAC - kagan - Robert kagan - Kimberly kagan - AEI - ISW - conspiracy - conspiracy theory - Which Path to Persia - options for a New American strategy - USA - trump - Donald trump - Israel - Israeli- haim saban - saban - brookings institution- coup - revolution - Iran - war with Iran - Carlyle group - Rubinstein - John Bolton - influence foreign policy