
Thomas Comes to Breakfast Redub(Extremely late happy birthday to Fairly OddEngine Creations)

Thomas Comes to Breakfast Redub(Extremely late happy birthday to Fairly OddEngine Creations) This is a super late birthday gift for Johnno. He has been a really good friend of mine & I'm also very glad to call him as my little bro😁He did very awesome as Thomas here, and his improvs sound very hilarious😂 And we shall also welcome John(Express Studio) as the newest narrator in my redubs, and this is also his very first time in my redubs. It's also Tommy's first time in my redubs, he did very well as STH. Everyone else also did very awesome,thanks to all those who participated!!

Narrator: Express Studios
Thomas: Fairly OddEngine Creations
Percy: Mr.MerlinFan02.
Toby: Dueling Express.
Donald: JLRosieFan98.
Douglas: Holden Stafford.
STH: Tommy Bauer.
Thomas' Driver: Geo the Avartared Creature
Stationmaster's Wife: Serena-Leo Harper.

All credits are given in the ending credit

Thomas & Friends is owned by Hit Entertainment/Mattel, I own nothing

P.S. I also did a song cover, dedicated to Johnno, and this is also one of his favorite Thomas songs
Instrumental credit to Roll Along Thomas, music by Ed Welch


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