This spell requires you to be 110% committed to your success and to observe your own psychology around money.
The ritual of a casting a spell is powerful for catapulting your intention into the universe in order to rearrange your thoughts and actions into alignment with abundance.
Do not rush this spell. It has multiple steps and each step can be taken one day at a time. You never want to rush a step. Only move forward when you feel that you have integrated each part.
WATER: Find the most decorative, rich looking container for water in your home, such as a beautiful bowl or cup and fill it with water.
FIRE: Light your favorite candle. I recommend a green candle for this spell but a gorgeous candle that you associate with richness will also work beautifully.
AIR: Sage is excellent at cleansing the air. If you do not have sage, solely use the power of your own cleansing thoughts of abundance, wealth, prosperity and healing.
EARTH: Yellow and red crystals are excellent for attracting abundance if you have them (e.g. citrine, red jasper, & red aventurine). Clear quartz is also a powerful magnifier of the positive energy you bring into the spell. You will also want to gather abundance spices or herbs such as either cinnamon, clove and eucalyptus.
ADDITIONAL ITEMS: You will also need either a pestle and mortar or a separate bowl and utensil to crush your abundance herbs or spices. Additionally you will need either a cauldron or a pot that can withstand a bit of fire and heat. If you have a journal, mark the first available blank page with a wheat symbol (or your best attempt at drawing a wheat symbol). If you do not have a journal, any notebook will do.
Light the candle and say, “By Fire I am able to see my path to abundance.” Thank the element of fire.
Ignite your sage and bring all your good, new energy and positivity around wealth to the ceremony. Say, “By Air I know my worth and my true soul purpose.”
Think about your intention. Thank the element of air for your pure thoughts.
Bless yourself and the space with the water from your beautiful container.
You can spritz little droplets by genteelly dipping your fingertips in the water and flinging the droplets on your space and you body. Say, “By Water, I feel into my most abundant life and heal any past traumas associated with scarcity.”
Feel gratitude for all the abundance that is about to come into your life. Thank the element of water for emotion and emotional healing.
Grind your herbs and spices while holding the vision of wealth. Envision what abundance and wealth looks like in your life. Say, “By Earth, my abundance comes into existence.”
Thank the element of Earth for allowing your abundance to materialize.
Place your herbs in the cauldron and ignite them with a gentle fire. Get specific about the purpose of your wealth. Consciously release everything you’ve thought about that is holding you back from your wealth. Thank the element of fire for assisting you in your desires and action.
✨I am fully committed to your Empowerment, Abundance, Purpose, Love & Transformation through the Tarot in order to Manifest Your Best Life✨
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Business inquiries: divinationjillian@gmail.com
Credit where credit is due: Shout out to the royalty free music, courtesy of Bensound, Pixabay videos, & The Science of Getting Rich By Walter D. Wattles.