
Mitch McConnell On What He'd Do If There Were A Supreme Court Vacancy: 'Oh, We'd Fill It'

Mitch McConnell On What He'd Do If There Were A Supreme Court Vacancy: 'Oh, We'd Fill It' This story could make poor Merrick Garland turn over in his grave. According to CNN, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell was asked at a luncheon what he’d do if there happened to be a vacancy that opened up on the Supreme Court in 2020, an election year. -- Jake Tapper @jaketapper: “McConnell was asked, "Should a Supreme Court justice die next year, what will your position be on filling that spot?" The leader took a long sip of his drink before announcing with a smile, "Oh, we'd fill it," triggering loud laughter from the audience.” -- Comfortably Smug @ComfortablySmug: “COCAINE MITCH IS THE GREATEST” -- sushi chef assassin @Subbeaconfan: “He can't not own the libs” -- Comfortably Smug @ComfortablySmug:

Comfortably Smug @ComfortablySmug: “McConnell basically tortures and abuses the Dems every single day from when he wakes up to when he goes to sleep. And there's nothing they can do to stop him. Lmao what a king.” -- Stephen Miller @redsteeze: “Greatest of all time.” -- G @gb2424: “They attacked his wife and he hasn’t let up since. A true legend.” -- Jason W. @j4539w: “I like how he's embraced the hate.” -- Jason @EmperorJayLay7: -- Ryan @alwaysonoffense: -- Deplorable David @LuckoftheDraw17: “Grim Reaper 🔥🔥🔥” -- Ben @thethriftygene: “In cocaine business you can’t risk seeming soft, he doesn’t want to be cruel, the hustle requires it.” -- HuntandSki @HuntandSki: “Cocaine Mitch plays for keeps.” -- Lee @lee_bail83: “Legend”

Ridiculed Ranga @RidiculedRanga: “it’s not Cocaine Mitch’s fault that Dem’s decided to turn their party into a bunch of hopelessly weak and whiny children who pout and throw tantrums every time they don’t get their way during his term as Majority Leader.” -- EddieB @Edificerexan: “Elections have consequences. Or so I have heard.” -- Abby Normal🗯 @AbbyNormal7519: -- Peter Paschal @PeterPaschal7: -- spoCAN @inthescablands: “Oh the rage in those comments is delectable. TDS to the nth degree.” -- John Sexton @verumserum: “Someone should do a welfare check on Ian Millhiser.” -- Good idea. -- David Rutz @DavidRutz: “h/t @jaketapper, here's video of @senatemajldr being asked what his position would be on filling a SCOTUS vacancy next year. "Oh, we'd fill it."”

Twitchy: ‘Outstanding’: Mitch McConnell’s official account is now selling ‘Cocaine Mitch’ T-shirts

Twitchy: ‘Oh, we’d fill it’: Mitch McConnell makes it clear what he’d do if there were a Supreme Court vacancy


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