Bachie log, we are back with your Favorite 'Local Train' Series.
Compared to our previous videos, this one has double the amount of fun, excitement and a whole new level of relatability.
Previously, the series was named as Types of people in Mumbai local train but this time it’s ‘Journey in Mumbai local Trains’
We hope you give the equal amount of love to this video as you gave to our other Local Train videos.
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Shyam Sharma -
Dhruv Shah -
Husain Kanba -
Nishit Shah -
Prathamesh Vyas -
Cast : Dhruv Shah, Shyam Sharma, Nishit Shah, Husain Kanba, Prathamesh Vyas, Mustafa Kapasi.
For Business inquires, mail us at: funchoentertainment@gmail.com