
"Does My Ex Think About Me?" (What Your Ex Is REALLY Thinking)

-- "Does My Ex Think About Me?" (What Your Ex Is REALLY Thinking)

Have you ever been asked by someone, “if you could have any superpower, what would you choose?” For me, the answer is simple…. the ability to read minds. I can’t think of any power more advantageous than the ability to know exactly what someone else is thinking as they’re thinking it…

Oh, I’m Breakup Brad, by the way. You already knew that, and you probably know that I’m the #1 most trusted breakup expert on YouTube… so let’s get started, shall we?

1.) The first one is the depth and intensity of your relationship with this ex. When you’re 13 years old and dating someone for the first time, things might feel pretty serious… I mean, holding hands is a big deal, right? But yeah, in the grand scheme of things, casually dating on and off for a month barely falls into the “real relationship” category. Same goes for any sort of virtual relationship where you and your ex only met face to face once or twice. On the other hand, if you’ve lived together with your ex… spent years spending almost every day with one another… maybe even had children together…. that’s a completely different story.

2.) Secondly, another factor is time. More specifically, how long it’s been since the breakup. If your breakup with this ex was more than 2 years ago, then you can probably safely assume that your ex is not thinking about you right now. If the relationship was serious and long-term, then even after 2 years it’s likely that thoughts of you will pop into your ex’s mind every now and then. On the other hand, if you broke up with your ex within the last month or so, that’s a very different ball game. In most cases, the first month will always be a struggle for your ex just as much as it is for you… and I can guarantee that you’re on your ex’s mind constantly. For those who were in a really long-term, serious relationship -- your ex will still think of you daily for months after breaking up.

3.) Finally, the third thing that will impact what’s going on in your ex’s head right now is what I call “externalities”... usually, this refers to a rebound relationship or another person in your ex’s life. A rebound relationship, if that’s actually what it is, doesn’t stop your ex from feeling the post-breakup emotions and depression… all it does is change when those emotions are felt. In a traditional rebound, the new person in your ex’s life is going to be like a shiny object that distracts them temporarily from the heartache that you’re enduring. But because most rebounds are based on passion, physical attraction, and a desire to experience something new and different… they don’t usually last very long. Once the novelty of this new person wears off, and the passion and excitement fizzle out, it’s normal for your ex to then realize that they’re not compatible anyway and that the relationship has no long-term future.

That’s all for today folks... I hope you’ve enjoyed this ‘psychic mind-reading’ session and found it helpful to learn what was going on inside your ex’s mind… if you have a quick question, if you need me to predict your future, or if you just really want to share your thoughts on Miss Cleo and her late-night TV infomercials, drop a comment below.

Thanks for watching, thanks for subscribing to my channel and hitting the like button…. I will see you all in the next video!

*** More from Brad Browning: ***
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Mend the Marriage:
Brad Browning:

brad browning,breakups,get your ex back,ex boyfriend,ex girlfriend,breakup,rebound,love,relationships,cleo,ex back,

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