
Concern Worldwide | Wikipedia audio article

Concern Worldwide | Wikipedia audio article This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:

00:01:05 1 History
00:01:52 2 Work
00:02:42 3 Governance
00:04:08 4 Funding
00:05:03 5 Current campaigns
00:05:13 5.1 1000 DAYS
00:05:35 6 Ongoing initiatives
00:05:45 6.1 Concern Fast
00:06:03 6.2 Creative Writing Competition
00:06:25 6.3 Concern Challenges
00:06:45 7 Further reading
00:07:02 8 External links
00:07:47 9 Notes

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Speaking Rate: 0.9851405201933774

Voice name: en-US-Wavenet-B

"I cannot teach anybody anything, I can only make them think."

- Socrates



Concern Worldwide (often referred to as Concern) is Ireland's largest aid and humanitarian agency. Since its foundation 50 years ago it has worked in 50 countries and currently employs 3,200 staff in 26 countries around the world. Concern works to help those living in the world's poorest countries to achieve real and lasting improvements in their lives. Concern is engaged in long-term development work, in addition to emergency relief in Africa, Asia and the Caribbean. Concern’s core work focuses on health, hunger and humanitarian response in emergencies. They work in partnership with small community groups as well as governments and large global organisations. Concern is just one of fourteen fully certified members of Humanitarian Accountability Partnership.Concern Worldwide US is an affiliate of Concern Worldwide. It has offices in New York City and Chicago. Concern Worldwide is a partner of the One Campaign.

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