
Artificial Nature // Neighbourhood Florist

Artificial Nature // Neighbourhood Florist We ask you to consider the following // How many iconic Newcastle structures can you name? Now, attempt to name as many native plants as you can. Drastic difference?

Artificial Nature was an art installation that took place on Friday 24th May in Wheeler Place, Newcastle. Created by 5 UoN students [Elizabeth Blaxland, Freja Cannon, Charlotte Redman, Ellen Presbury and Benjamin Currey], Artificial Nature aims to make a statement about how to flora within Newcastle is becoming structured, maintained - drifting away from its 'natural' roots as we see manicured gardens of introduced roses overtake our native plants. Urban buildings rise in place of nature space, with trees lining our streets in manicured lanes.

This installation aimed to bring one community together in unison to take a stand against this, which was extremely successful - documented in this video. A two hour event cemented forever.

We could not be happier with the result of this project and are undoubtedly proud of the effort each of us came in. Thank you to everyone who supported this project - whether through attending, viewing this video or reading this far into the description. We'd love to hear your thoughts in the comments below!

Interested in the process? Take a look at our website!

- Much love, The Neighbourhood Florist (Team behind the installation).

installation,art,nature,artificial,board,grid,puzzle,massive puzzle,community event,newcastle,uon,university of newcastle,creative industries,creative,industries,creativity,artificial nature,neighbourhood florist,neighbourhood,florist,

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