
TRAILER: U-235 also known as Torpedo (2019) (ENGLISH)

TRAILER: U-235 also known as Torpedo (2019) (ENGLISH) Torpedo also known as U-235 (2019) is a Belgian upcoming World War II action movie, which tells the story of a Belgian resistance fighters group who receive a dangerous, secret mission: Travel to Belgian Congo, hijack a German submarine and bring Uranium, needed for the Manhattan Project, from Belgian Congo to New York.

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Argunners Magazine has exclusive permission from A Team Productions to use this trailer. U-235 will be released in Belgium (as Torpedo) on October 23, 2019. No international release date known yet.

Torpedo,U-235,Uranium,Resistance,A Team Productions,Koen de Bouw,Submarine,WWII Submarine,WW2 Submarine,U-Boot,U-boat,War Movie,Argunners,Argunners Magazine,U-571,Das Boot,Unterseeboot,

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