
LUCIOBALL HIGHLIGHT #4 - Use your ult to guarantee a goal (or block)

LUCIOBALL HIGHLIGHT #4 - Use your ult to guarantee a goal (or block) [Offensive and Defensive ult usage tips in description]

People tend to hold on to their ults pretty long. I recommend using it pretty liberally.

ON OFFENSE - after you attempt a goal, and if they lightly block it (ie they missed their boop or just didn't push the ball very far away), use your ultimate to speed yourself in front of the ball and boop the ball right in. This is pretty much a guaranteed goal.
ON DEFENSE - if the enemy team is getting too aggressive, ESPECIALLY if your boop is on cooldown, use your ult. The speed boost will help you get to wherever the ball is going faster, and use your boop (which should now be off cooldown) to get the ball to your teammate. You can also just clear the ball, but passing it to your teammate is of course ideal.

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