Playing solo is advised.
First off you'll need a target from Simaris, who can be found at any relay. Use the guide linked below to locate your target. Scanning a target without using a trap or an ability can be achieved via two different routes, namely either by going in quiet and sneaking up to the target with a frame like Loki, Ash or Ivara. The other way would be using a frame that can tank the damage like Rhino or Inaros.
A no damage Penta with tether grenades can aid in this task by limiting the movement of your target.
Using traps will result in an instant fail. Using abilities on the other hand will NOT fail the challenge instantly. With the abilities there appears to be a level of proxity at work here, I was able to cast Loki's invis just over 56m away from the target without triggering a fail state.
Aborting the mission will not affect riven progress.
Quake - Sparses 0F8 (N64)
Synthesis Target Locations:
WarFrame Market:
TBS Discord:
Gaming PC:
Capture PC:
Capture: Elgato 4K60 Pro.
Internet: 50Mbps down / 15Mbps up.
Editing: Premiere Pro & Photoshop.
#Warframe #RivenChallenge #ScanSimarisTargetRiven