
Mandy, Seaside Rock!

Mandy, Seaside Rock! Dearie me, in the beginning I was so very very nervous, such low confidence – even simple actions were overwhelming daunting bringing me to a trembling panic - I even tried video simply to see what others were seeing.
Well gosh, it’s been well over three years and now I think little of it – I’m just me. It all feels so very natural – the way it’s meant to be! :)
In fact so much so that I just forget…
In the first year I made a little video surreptitiously putting fuel in my car, using a cash point hoping desperately that I wouldn’t be noticed. Now, if I need fuel, want to go shopping, fancy a coffee, taking a walk or buying some pretty underwear I just do it without thought. I always try to dress appropriately…elegantly and with style. I adore having the possibility to do so.
I simply love putting outfits together and now I’m even getting quite adept at sewing up my own items – quite the little seamstress I’m becoming! :)

I know there are things I need to improve but bit by bit I’m getting there. Not something that happens overnight – takes patience but slowly but surely I feel myself changing!

But the weekend is here and the weather is going to be glorious! A weekend away at the seaside? Ooo, what’s not to like?!
Last weekend I was on the west coast. Typically of me I took a small collection of pretty dresses and outfits but only one pair of more sensible posh leggings – I properly froze my butt – it was so cold and windy. This time over to the East. A bigger collection in the car and even some warm items in case it takes a turn for the chill. But first a little rock n roll!


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