
Did the Pin Fall Out? // VSKA AK47 5000 Round Test (Part 8 )

Did the Pin Fall Out? // VSKA AK47 5000 Round Test  (Part 8 ) The Century #VSKA is here for testing. We are doing this 5000 round test in a video series due to the controversial nature of this rifle. For anyone not familiar this rifle is the result of the issues with the RAS47 series of American Made AK-47 rifles. These rifles had issues. Century Arms took another look and decided to revive the American AK project with the VSKA that uses S7 Tool Steel as its trunnion material.
This is Part 8, the last of the testing on the VSKA Rifle, I sent it way for external evaluation. #ak47

Thread on AKFiles

Previous Test on AK Barrel Pins:

Video on Headspace Procedure:

VSKA 5000 rd Playlist

How we Headspace:

Our Downloadable Test Procedures:

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VSKA,S7 tool Steel,Century Arms VSKA,AK-47,5000 round test,Trunnion,VSKA AK47,VSKA AK,vska ak 47 fail,American made AK,Ras47,C39v2,Century vska,ak47 vska testing,gun safety,

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